Charadros (Cilicia) 6 Yakacik - Χάραδρος

Χάραδρος - Charadros, Classical to Roman port town of Cilicia, the modern Kaledran bay, Turkey
Hits: 6
Works: 4
Latitude: 36.107800
Longitude: 32.561300
Confidence: Low (20161019)

Greek name: Χάραδρος
Place ID: 361326UCha
Time period: CHR
Region: Cilicia
Country: Turkey
Department: Mersin
Mod: Yakacik

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Charadros (Χαραδρ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Site in Cilicia Aspera, 25 km W of Anamur. Recorded as a city with harbor by Pseudo-Skylax in the 4th c. B.C., later a station under a Ptolemaic hegemon. It is mentioned in the Stadiasmus as a chorion, and about A.D. 200 as a harbor of Lamos; probably the region rather than the city (IGR III, 838). Virtually nothing remains of the city apart from some scattered blocks among the houses and a milestone of A.D. 137. (G. E. BEAN)
Wikidata ID: Q60790228
Trismegistos Geo: 12171
DARE: 22665

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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