Kisamos Kalami (Crete) 1 Kalami - Κίσαμος

Κίσαμος - Kisamos?, Hellenistic to Roman settlement near Kalami in Chania Crete
Hits: 1
Works: 1
Latitude: 35.469400
Longitude: 24.150900
Confidence: Low (20150213)

Greek name: Κίσαμος
Place ID: 355242UKis
Time period: HR
Region: Crete
Country: Greece
Department: Chania
Mod: Kalami

- Travelogues
- Pleiades

Modern Description: The existence of two cities of this name on the N coast of Crete on either side of Kydonia is proved by the Peutinger Table, which mentions both and puts this one 8 miles E of Kydonia. This one must be the Kisamos referred to by Strabo (10.4.13) as the harbor of Aptera. Although it is usually located at or close to Kalyves, 4.5 km E-SE of Aptera, where Roman and later sherds have been found, a strong case has now been made for locating it at Kalami, on the coast by the former Fort Izzedin, immediately below Aptera and just inside (W of) the now sunken porporella (the Venetian harbor defense mole). Kalami is 8 miles (12.8 km) from Kydonia, nearer to Aptera than Kalyves and more sheltered, and has house foundations, traces of quays, and Classical as well as Roman sherds. A dependency of Aptera, the city had no history of its own. (The Kalyves site may be ancient Tanos.) (D. J. BLACKMAN)
Wikidata ID: Q15966202
Trismegistos Geo: 41978
DARE: 28800

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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