Knidos (Cyprus) 2 Ag. Theodoros/Çayırova - Κνίδος

Κνίδος - Knidos, harbor town with ruins around small bay Akrotiri due S of Çayırova/Ag. Theodoros, N. Cyprus
Hits: 2
Works: 2
Latitude: 35.327400
Longitude: 34.039700
Confidence: Low (20170903)

Greek name: Κνίδος
Place ID: 353340UKni
Time period: HR
Region: Cyprus
Country: Cyprus
Department: Karpass
Mod: Ag. Theodoros/Çayırova

- Pleiades

Modern Description: The ruins of a small Hellenistic and Graeco-Roman town on Cape Elaia, due S of the village of Haghios Theodoros in the Karpass peninsula, have been identified with Knidos. The identification comes from a funeral inscription, which gives the name of Symmachos, captain of a trireme, from Knidos. Tzetzes (Chil. 1.84) says that the physician Ktesias came from the Cyprian Knidos; Suidas calls the same physician a Knidian but without specifying to which town of that name he belonged. Knidos is also mentioned by Ovid (Met. 10.530). The cape, on which the ruins of the town extend, is called by Ptolemy Elaia. There are still considerable ruins of ancient buildings extending around a small bay, which may have served as an anchorage, and inland for some distance. Sakellarios in the 19th c. saw the gates of the town and traces of the N and NW town wall as well as remains of an aqueduct. In Hogarth's day there were still many traces of houses and of the town wall and in particular a small rectangular building. The ruins, however, have suffered since that time from the hands of quarrymen and the tombs have been looted. The site is still unexplored. (PECS: K. NICOLAOU)
Wikidata ID: Q6422076
Trismegistos Geo: 60869
Manto: 10270736
DARE: 22735

Info: Princeton Encyclopedia

(Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites, from Perseus Project)

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