Schedia (Egypt) 8 Al Karyun - Σχέδια

Σχέδια - Schedia, town and customs control point on the Nile Delta, Al Karyun, Egypt
Hits: 8
Works: 2
Latitude: 31.138300
Longitude: 30.189300
Confidence: Medium (20170316)

Greek name: Σχέδια
Place ID: 311302USch
Time period: HR
Region: Egypt
Country: Egypt
Department: Alexandria
Mod: Al Karyun

- Pleiades

Search for inscriptions mentioning Schedia (Σχεδι...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.

Modern Description: Shortly after the foundation of Alexandria, the new metropolis was connected by an artificial channel with the Canopic Nile. At the point, where the channel met the Canopic Nile, a new town, Schedia, was installed. In its important river harbour all goods coming from Upper Egypt had to be transferred on smaller vessels. Schedia seems to have been a flourishing Greek dominated polis throughout the Ptolemaic and Roman times and was populated until the Early Byzantinae period. According to inscriptions it had a huge garrison, temples and synagogue. Schedia was one of the earliest christianised towns of Egypt with an own bishops seat. Irrespective to its importance the site is still nearly unknown. Since 2003, following rescue excavations of the Egyptian Antiquities Service between 1981 and 1992, the Institutes for Classical Archaeology of the Universities of Göttingen and Köln are conducting investigations of the site. (
Wikidata ID: Q23977571
Trismegistos Geo: 2096
DARE: 28509

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