Pharbaithos (Egypt) 4 Horbeit - Φάρβαιθος
Φάρβαιθος - Pharbaithos, an ancient town of Egypt, modern Horbeit
Works: 4
Latitude: 30.734300
Longitude: 31.620600
Confidence: Low (20170312)
Place ID: 307316UPhb
Time period: ACHRL
Region: Egypt
Country: Egypt
Mod: Horbeit
Search for inscriptions mentioning Pharbaithos (Φαρβαιθ...) in the PHI Epigraphy database.
Trismegistos Geo: 1751
DARE: 28503
Info: E.E.S. Delta Survey

From the web site E.E.S. Delta Survey, a project of the Egypt Exploration Society to map and describe ancient sites in the Nile Delta of Egypt.
Author, Title | Text | Type | Date | Full | Category | Language |
Author, Title | Text | Type | Date | Full | Category | Language |