Nikiou (Egypt) 4 Zawyet Razin - Νικίου

Νικίου - Nikiou, an ancient town of Egypt, at Kom Manous, modern Zawyet Razin
Hits: 4
Works: 4
Latitude: 30.412200
Longitude: 30.851700
Confidence: Medium (20170701)

Greek name: Νικίου
Place ID: 304308UNik
Time period: RLM
Region: Egypt
Country: Egypt
Mod: Zawyet Razin

- Pleiades

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Modern Description: Inspected by Daressy in 1912, at which time the large mound at Zawiyet Razin was known by the name Kom Manous, which appears on the SoE 1:100,000 (1916) map. Extensively mined for sebakh and part occupied by modern villages and graves. Romano-Coptic red brick buildings on the west side. NE part dug to water level. Coptic granite columns at NW, also re-used block of Ramesses II. Daressy gives a list of finds from his clearances, including an architectural block inscribed for Ramesses II, a Saite statue of an official named Padihor, from the reign of Psamtik I, together with other finds and pottery of Ptolemaic date. The area was visited by the EES survey of 2005, led by J. Rowland, who supplied the following additional notes and photographs: Many columns have been found here and much pottery was found in the village. A possible Late Period column-drum, re-used as a milllstone, was seen in the road (at 30 24 37N 30 51 08E) and 10m along from this a limestone block which has been re-used as a door block in the street. Around the next corner a column capital was noted in the street, of uncertain date. Just another 10m down the street there is a possible old column drum with a hole in the middle. This could be of Saite date, its large size does not suggest the Roman or Ptolemaic period. Further down the street a trench of c.2m deep was being dug for a pipe and pottery from this trench was examined. The sherds included those from Late Antique vessels (Late Roman and Byzantine through to early Islamic). Sherds were examined from the surface of unplanted fields on the edge of the village and c.100m from the road. A further column was observed on its side c.50m from the field - used on one side of a door entrance. One of the last areas in the village visited had a row of possibly early Islamic columns outside a building; these were small in diameter and have traces of blue paint. Following this we saw four further large pink granite pillars, one with fluting and one with a flared base. A further column drum, possibly Saite in date, and c.1m diameter, and with a square hole (23cm x 23cm) was noted. The Islamic cemetery on the western side of the village is on a mound which rises c.3m. (Located at 30 25 00N 30 50 57E). Sections at the edges of the cemetery include pottery-rich layers. There was a large quantity of pottery sherds piled up in the southwest corner of the cemetery - mainly Late Antique with some earlier, Roman, sherds.
Trismegistos Geo: 1463
DARE: 28497

Info: E.E.S. Delta Survey

From the web site E.E.S. Delta Survey, a project of the Egypt Exploration Society to map and describe ancient sites in the Nile Delta of Egypt.

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